jueves, 18 de junio de 2009

My blogging experience

I think that my blogging experience is good. Of course at the beginning of the period I have some technology problems, because I’d never had a blog before. So I had to learn to use it. I remember that in some of the first blog sessions I have to add “your blog list” and I do this in my house, so I spend a lot of time to discoverer how can I add the gadget. Now everything is easier, because I learned to use it.

I don’t know if I enjoy this activity, actually I feel terrible tired after the blog session, I think that this is because I have vision problems, so I do an effort to work with the computer. Thinking all the time in English is exhausting too.

In spite of this, I think that the blog session is really useful to improve our writing skills, because the teacher’ feedback help a lot to see mistakes that we do all the time. So I think that my writing is coming better than the first blogging activities.

I think that an advantage to do these activities is the constant evaluation that you received from the teacher. You have to develop this skill, because this is an important tool to studying some times. For example if you need read something that has no translation to your language, you must read it in English.

Have a class hour to write the activity is positive too. Because you don’t spend extra time in home and you can ask your teacher about vocabulary, for example.

A disadvantage I think is that the blog activities touch complicate items, difficult to explain even in your own language. For example the question who is the best in your field? Actually I never think in this question before.

sábado, 13 de junio de 2009

Ken Robinson: schools kill creativity

Ken Robinson talks in the video about the importance of creativity in human acts. He criticizes the educational system because it cuts the capacity for creativity. In his presentation Ken considered three relevant things: the extraordinary evidences of human creativity, the educational system in the most of the countries in the world and the capacity for innovation. He says: children must be helped to find their talents.

He gives some examples about two children, the girl who is drawing God and the boy who does a mistake in a representation. Ken gives some reflections about these examples and says that in the school children learned that mistakes are the worst that they can do, and when they come to be adults the are afraid to do them. He also says that if you are afraid or you are not prepared to be wrong you never can do anything original. So he criticizes this result of educational, because the systems are educating people out of their creative capacity.

In the most of countries in the world the educational systems have the same distribution and priority of subjects. The most important are mathematic and languages, they are in the top. Then we find the humanities, and in the bottom are the arts. He says that the objective of school system is educating people to be successful like a university professors. But he criticizes that because people focus only in his or her heads, and forget about their bodies and lose their creative capacity.

Then he talks about intelligence, he say three important things. First, intelligence is diverse, we think with all of our senses, he gives the examples of a famous choreographer. Second, intelligence is dynamic; we can use multiple aspects of intelligence to solve our problems. And third intelligence is unique. Everyone thinks in different ways.

He finally says that we must rethink the educational system, and the way we use the human ecology to confront the world ecology changes that we are living.

jueves, 4 de junio de 2009

My Favorite Subject

I really don`t sure, but I think that Educational Psychology is my favorite subject at the moment. This subject is teaches by a team of three teachers: Jesus Redondo (the director of the Psychology Department), Paulina Castro (the Career director) and Jorge Inzunza.

I like it because I always had an especial interest in Education, actually teacher was one of my possibilities too. So, in this subject I can find a kind of fusion between both disciplines and I can talk by hours with my father. He is teacher, so I enjoy and learn a lot talking whit him.

This semester I learned especially to have a critical vision, see the educational system considerer the historical context and I can understand a lot of thing that I did live in my school period. Things that are to the base of the principal problems today. And I learned how we can contribute, as psychologists to improve the deficiencies and make a better education.

Ok, this is my favorite subject, let’s see what happen! Maybe I work in this area in the future.