jueves, 27 de agosto de 2009

Planning a trip

I’ve always wanted to visit other countries, one in particular, and I have a curious reason… it’s because a movie “brave heart”. I really liked the story of William Wallace when I was a teenager, I read a lot in the net, and of course I saw the movie a lot of times. Other curious reason is that my boyfriend wants to know this country and he has the same reason, he loves the movie. So, I think that Scotland is a wonderful place to visit with him.

Honestly I don’t know much things about Scotland, I don’t know what is they typical food, or some landmarks that I should to visit there, but if I will go there any time I want to visit some old castle, and enjoy the landscape. Take photos of these spectacular hills, listen bagpipes and meet a guy in a skirt (laughter). Maybe try some typical food, and buy some gifts, of course.

Although I would like to visit this place, I wouldn’t like live there, or study. I find it an interesting place, but if I study in another country I prefer a traditional place, to get some scholarship. So I am interesting only on be a tourist.

jueves, 13 de agosto de 2009

My first term

In my first term this year I had good and bad points, but this time I’m going to try to see the good side of it.

Some good things related to the subjects that I got in university is that I could learn a little of all the work areas in psychology. With these subjects, now I can chose one and keep learning about it. I like the educational psychology, and I dislike the organizational psychology, this is a beginning.
Actually in my firs term I didn`t practice any sport, I studied a lot. But some weekends I went to scout meeting in Rengo. This is the place were I used to leaved before I come to Santiago to study.
A challenge that I had to face was a course of hypnosis that I got. This was really difficult, because to practiced I had to hypnotized voluntaries, and they always was my friend or my sister, so some time I was scared to hypnotized them. But fortunately I past this course whit out problems.
A bad thing was that my grandfather died in June, he was a really old man, but I mess his. Any way I met some people last term, really nice people, and I hope I can keep contact and a relationship with them.