jueves, 21 de mayo de 2009

Me in five years??

Wow!! This question is dificult for me. I think of my future and I have a lot of plans, projects and dreams...

Professionaly, I think that in five years probably I’m going to be working, I wish in something that I can enjoy, maybe in the health system or educational psichology, I don’t know yet. Maybe I will keep studying and get a postgraduate title. I’d like to do both. Personally, in five years I’ll be emancipated from my parents, I’ll get my own place, maybe with Martin, my boyfriend.

Probably I’ll be living in Santiago, but not for ever!! But, if I want to continue with my postgraduate studies, Santiago is THE place. Or maybe another country, we don’t know... Work and study, this is my future. No children for now, or maybe yes??? I really can’t know that. But I think that five years is still to soon.

An ideal future? Basically having my place, with my couple, our own home! Out of Santiago, but near. I’d like to have a nice garden, with a lot of colors, not many things but a library and a workshop. And a stereo, to put some music in my life every day.

sábado, 16 de mayo de 2009

Paulo Freire

If you ask me, I can’t thik only in one peroson as a best on my field. So today I’m going to talk about one person that on this days was repercuted in my ideas. This person is Paulo Freire.

He was a brazilian techer that also studied filosophy and law. He worked principally with poor people, poor workers, that weren’t knouw read or write. In this time read and write was a requirement to can vote in political elections, so he begun to created a new method to teach this people in short time. Freire has oportunity to used his method in political planificacion on some distrit of Brazil, but he was exile by the dictadure in 1964. He come to Chile and worked with the christian democrathy movement to the Agrarian reform.

I thik he is some of the best on my field because his method is the base to the popular education that today is an importan movement knowed like Pedagogy of the liberation that influenced the traditional education and popular movemento to theach, especially in latin america. He is very importan in Chile because he work in an importan reform in our country, he was the propulsor to the complete education in the goverment to Frei father.

Today he is an importan exponent in educacional psychology an in social-comunitary paichology, so he is a mentor for thausen of psychologys and teachers principally. So I think that he is some of this person that you must to considerer in your formation like a professional and in your life. He inspired me a lot on my idea of the education, naw I know the importance to have a critical vision in all of the think that I live, learnd and do.

Here a link to a video of some of this thinking about popular education http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmcGbbmBr1I

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2009

My career

I am studying psychology because I think this is a very complete profession, actually I chose this career because I was confuse about what I did want to may future. Now I’m sure that I want to be a Psychologist.

You have a lot of options to contribute to society. Of course you can chose don`t do it, but this is not my option. I think that you must do something in the world, even something small. In psychology you can work with people in their space, you can work in schools or in hospitals, in groups or individually, you can work to a institution or by your own, even whit a team, whit another professionals like teachers, sociologies, doctors, musicians, artists etc. Actually you can work to de government. So if you want, you can do anything.

Like a psychologist you need some specific tools, the most important is the empathy to can help people. But you need other tools like creativity, tolerance, optimism, interest to help people, etc. Always whit a proactive attitude.

I don’t know what is my favorite subject, I suppose I have more than one. I like educational psychology, social psychology and clinical psychology.

In these sent, in the future I want to do something that includes these areas. I want work in family health, maybe in a small hospital or something like that; with projects make whit people who needs basic things, or people who needs solution to important problems.

So, I hope can do it!