jueves, 29 de octubre de 2009


If you ask me about my best friend, my closest friend, I can’t tell you only one person, because in my life I have two girls, two women actually, who have been in my life since we were babies. They are my best friends, Camy and Pashy (you can see them in the picture). They are very different each other. Camy is quiet, even shy, she doesn’t talk so much, but she always know what happen to me, I don’t need talk with her. On the other hand, Pashy is talkative, she doesn’t know everything about me, but I can talk with her about everything, she gives excellent advice. I don’t remembered exactly when I meet them…. I know Camy sine we were babies, we were in the photos with only a few months. And I meet Pashy in kinder garden. I love these girls so much. We are one, we know everything about each other, we spend important moments together.

I don’t make friends easily, I’m sometime suspicious, and I can’t openly my heart easily. But when I meet a person who I like, I put everything on the relationship, I do this with Camy and Pashy, for example, and I’ll do it all my life with them. I think I’m a good friend, at least for my best friends. I care about their problems, we are there in good and bad moments, and we love each other.

Of course I have had bad experiences with some people, but I think that we never be best friend at all, maybe we don’t put enough energy on the relationship. Anyway, I don’t want to talk about it.

Pashy and Camy are my childhood friends, for the moment we live in different cities, but we keep in touch despite the distance.
see you!!

jueves, 15 de octubre de 2009

Eat yourself happy? Mediterranean diet link to less depression

This new talk about one research who said that people that eat a Mediterranean diet have fewer possibilities to get depresses. They based on some evidences: the Mediterranean counties have lower rates of depression and suicide than other countries. So, they followed to ten thousand of Spanish graduates and studied their eating habits.

A Mediterranean diet consist in eat plenty of olive oil, fruits, nuts, vegetables, and fish, more than met. Drink red wine too, just a bit.

Although they found that people who eat a Mediterranean diet have less depression, they don’t control other factor that might influences too. For example, if the people do exercise, the area where the people live in. These are two factors that help to get less depression too. So we don’t know wath is the relation between the diet and depression, yet.

Anyway, the appeal is to have a healthy life: do exercise, eat healthy food, are both important to not get depression, and other condition like stress or cardiac problems.

jueves, 8 de octubre de 2009

Pets: my experience

My family have had six pets since I can remember, always dogs. But only one have been mine, whit she (it was a female) I had good and bad experiences, and I want to talk something about it. Unfortunately she doesn’t be with me anymore, she died six year ago.

My uncle gave her to me for Christmas, when I was six, she live ten years, so I grow up whit her. She was a cocker spaniel, brown head with some white spot in the leg and head. Her name was “Nala” like the girlfriend of the “Lion King”, this movie was my favourite when I was a child, so I choose this name for her, when she was a puppy she was like a little lion too.

I liked her so much because she was really kindly and when I was sad she just sit next to me and put her nose in my hand, and smell me. She played a lot whit me, and sometimes mi mom allowed her to stay in the house with us. I had to cleaned her and feed. She comes with us to everywhere.

My life is different without her. She died when I was sixteen; I knew that she was really old and very ill, but I felt very sad. I never could have a pet again, I have dogs in my house, but I don’t considerer mines, my father take care of them. I don’t involve and, I don’t know if it is a good or a bad thing. I hope to can have a pet again, but for now, I prefer to don’t have one.

I don’t know if is necessary to have a pet. Maybe when you are an only child (this is not my case). But you run the risk of involved too much, like me and feel terrible if something happen to your pet.
In some case, have a pet is an important way to learn some responsibilities, like feed they, or cleaning them. Some parents use this way to teach to the kids to take care of their pets and themselves.

Sometimes the family doesn’t take care about their pets, and sometimes they abandoned them. Something like happened in Chaiten. I feel really sad when this situation happen. Fortunately some families want to adopted abandoned animals and give them a better home.

I don’t know if I can adopt an abandoned animal, but this is because I prefer to not have one yet. Maybe I going to have a pet again when I have my own place, and this will the moment to thinking about it.

jueves, 1 de octubre de 2009

Santiago: a lot of things to do!!

I feel like a tourist answering this question. I`m not from Santiago, I live here because the university, so I don’t know all the interesting places to go or things to do here. The places that I know are supposed to be “typical places”. So I think that a foreigner tourist should to visit them.

Some of these places are the Central Market, the Lastarria neighborhood, the San Cristobal hill, Plaza de Armas, La Moneda palace, etc. These are typical places where you can admire the view; you can see nice architecture and eat good Chilean food. These places are typical; you must take some photos, or buy a postal.

Besides the typical places you have a lot of nice places to go and things to do. If you want to spend a nice time you can go to some museums, like Bellas Artes Gallery and walk for the Forestal Park, take a coffee and enjoy the sunset. For me the sunset is really nice because I stop to hear the noise, is the quieter time of the day, only five minutes and the noise beginning again.

If you want to have fun you can go to some typical neighborhoods where you find restaurants, bars and discotheques, like Lastarria, Brazil, Bellavista, or Providencia.

If you ask me, in my top five activities I suggest some of typical places and some fun thing, sometimes the typical places are not very funnies and you need to do some activities to relaxing. So my top five is this: go to Santa Lucia or San Cristobal hill, lunch in Central Market, go in the afternoon to some gallery, I prefer Bellas Artes, then walk for the Forestal Park and end the day with some friend and take some drink in Lastarria neighborhood.